Welcome to Healing Source Pharmacy & Wellness Center

Tender Loves and Carrots has re-opened!
Did you know that, by popular demand, we have reopened our smoothie bar/café this summer? Tender Love and Carrots (TLC) has brought back its delicious smoothies and added more yummy drinks: Coffee by Propeller, Superfood Lattes, Hot Chocolate, Apple Cider and more!
We invite you to keep warm this winter @ TLC by enjoying a hot or cool, healthy beverage!
Online Prescription Refill Service
Do you or a loved one face challenge in organizing your medications?
Is it difficult to remember if you have taken your medications?
Our pharmacy can prepare a weekly blister pack with your medication in the proper time slots. It’s easy to see and easy to use!

Pharmacy Hours
Monday – 9am to 7pm
Tuesday – 9am to 7pm
Wednesday – 9am to 7pm
Thursday – 9am to 7pm
Friday – 9am to 6pm
Saturday – 9:30am to 3pm
Sunday – Closed
The pharmacy is closed on statutory holidays.
Pharmacy Contact
Email: contact@healingsourcepharmacy.ca
Pharmacy: 1-416-769-1717
Fax: 416-769-7966
Address: 2209 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6S 1N5
We have chosen to work with and support the Canadian Ukraine Foundation. They are working with Ukrainian government ministries, who are in the best position to advise on the needs on the ground, so that we can ensure that the donations we receive meet the needs of the Ukrainian people.